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Faith and Wrestling

I like to get there early. This gives me time to mill around in the lobby and do some people watching before I find my seat. Once I find my seat there is always a pleasant murmur filling the space as others file in. Everyone is excited, cheerful, brimming with anticipation for things to get started. Without warning, the lights go out. In the darkness, we all know…this is only the beginning.

Since the turn of the millennium, I’ve been to over 20 live professional wrestling shows and they have all started virtually the same...

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My Problem with Christian Movies

I know this might not be a popular topic for a whole host of reasons, but I just have to do it. I would...

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Change the Channel

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it...

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Martha, Martha

“Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had...

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Christianity and War

Because of the oddness of the following story and the unpopular opinions represented, I feel the urge to say that in order to become...

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Where was God in Detroit?

“You’d better start praying!”

Rarely has that phrase felt more menacing or more futile than when it is said mid-way through director Kathryn Bigelow’s summer...

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Who Says it’s a Waste of Time?

Recently I was engaged in a small-talk conversation with an acquaintance. We spoke of raising children, we talked about our hobbies, and generally getting-to-know-you...

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Humility Sucks

Humility Sucks

God humbled me greatly the past 10 days and I hated it.

note: My wife, Grace Anne, and I are RUF...

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The Body Mobilizing: Hurricane Harvey

The images coming out of Texas have deeply gripped my heart. The images of floodwaters covering buildings, streets, and neighborhoods are gut wrenching. I...

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Called to Costly

My phone buzzed in the dark hours of the night a few weeks ago. A friend distraught by a misunderstanding with a boy. Through...

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