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One thing that I have found to be hugely damaging in our church gatherings today is the masks of perfection we put on and lack of transparency and vulnerability. 

I believe that many of us don’t even realize we are doing it because it is what we have always done. Sunday morning we get up and put on our Sunday best and go to a building with other people who are dressed nicely and we behave and we don’t say this and we don’t wear that and we don’t bring up those topics until we...

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An Honest Conversation

An Honest Conversation

Today I want to talk to you about something that is so incredibly under discussed. Its widely accepted in our world today and is...

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When I’m Feeling Like a Loser

When I’m Feeling Like a Loser

There are times when I’m going about my business, thinking I’m doing some kind of good, when a mess up, a mishap, a mistake,...

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Spiritual Malnutrition

Spiritual Malnutrition

Today I want to chat with you about spiritual malnutrition. You probably understand at least loosely what malnutrition means in way of your body,...

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Go On To Maturity

Go On To Maturity

“Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying a foundation again of repentance from dead works...

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Modest is the Hottest

Modest is the Hottest

“Modest Is Hottest” were the words I had fabric painted onto a shirt that I had cut and tied up the sides until it...

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Build Your House on the Rock

Build Your House on the Rock

“Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a...

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Take Heart

Take Heart

This semester I’m paying someone thousands of dollars to remind me that my happiness cannot be dependent on anything I cannot control, because that...

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Travel Hacking 101 [Part 3]

Travel Hacking 101 [Part 3]

It has been fun to see the response from this series. Seems like everyone wants to travel more and to more exotic locations. Or...

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Is Self-Care Just Self-Absorption?

Is Self-Care Just Self-Absorption?

If you are ever on Instagram, you know what I’m talking about. There are guides for self-care activities. Pictures being posted of ways people...

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