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Posts by Sage Blalock
The Old Testament is Kind of Underrated

The Old Testament is Kind of Underrated

The last two semesters at seminary have been, well… let’s just say eventful. Last semester I enrolled in a two-part course on the Old...

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Fresh Starts

Fresh Starts

As I sat down to type this post, I realized that I don’t really know what to talk about. Honestly, I’ve felt disconnected from...

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What is a Hero?

What is a Hero?

I was recently on the internet, as millennials are wont to do, and I came across a meme. It showed a picture of former...

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Evangelical Wake Up Call

Evangelical Wake Up Call

Evangelical Wake Up Call

For most of my life I’ve considered myself an Evangelical Christian. And while I fully identify with the original meaning of...

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Why Moral Relativism Doesn’t Really Work

Why Moral Relativism Doesn’t Really Work

Relativism is active in today’s world-both in social discourse and in academia. Often in sermons and apologetics, we hear about the evils of Relativism,...

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We Need More Hymns

We Need More Hymns

I don’t always connect with worship music. A fair amount of the time, I find my mind wandering while I’m trying to lift up...

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The Great Exchange

While I was sitting in church Sunday morning, I was reminded of what I think is the most amazing thing about our faith. And...

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My Problem with Christian Movies

I know this might not be a popular topic for a whole host of reasons, but I just have to do it. I would...

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Small Churches

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of going to see my good friend John preach at the church he is now pastoring....

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Are We Really Pro-Life?

Over the last two years I’ve tried to become a more informed person when it comes to sociopolitical issues. I’ve also tried to make...

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