Post: The Great Exchange

While I was sitting in church Sunday morning, I was reminded of what I think is the most amazing thing about our faith. And no, it’s not Leviticus. I know you were thinking I meant Leviticus. I’m referring to what Martin Luther called the “Great Exchange.”

The Great Exchange is most concisely explained in 2 Corinthians 5:21. Paul tells us that “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (NIV). In Christ’s death, Jesus took the sins of the world on himself. Out of his love for us, he chose to take the punishment for our sins as if he had committed them all himself. In exchange for our sins, Jesus gave all believers the righteousness that we could never have attained, thereby reconciling us to God. This is the crux of the gospel.

None of this is revolutionary. If you’re reading this, then I can only assume that you’ve heard this point before. That doesn’t mean it isn’t the most wonderful news in human history. If you are a Christian, then you agree.

Sometimes we take things like this, the best thing, and we assume them. We intellectualize it, store it in the back of our minds, and nod approvingly when the pastor proclaims it. But we don’t remind ourselves of it every day. We often fail to let it consistently motivate us day-in and day-out. I know I don’t.

When I do remind myself of the gospel, I am closer to God and significantly more appreciative of all He has done for me. I’m at my most joyful. I experience the fullness of life in Christ, empowering me to be the man he made me to be.

I hope that this can help some of you enjoy Christ more abundantly. Try to sit (or exercise if you care more about your health than I do mine) and consider the undeniable power that the gospel has, what it means to you. It is the most beautiful expression of God’s love for sinners in that while we were still drowning in our sins, He chose to enter into our broken, pain-filled world and take on the just punishment for our wrongdoings. He died for us so that we could live in Him. We can’t assume it. We have to celebrate it with every breath.

Picture of Sage Blalock

Sage Blalock

Follower of Christ. Proud husband to Jamie. Nihilistic Tennessee Volunteers fan. BA in Philosophy w/ concentration in Religious Studies, ETSU '16. Classical Studies Minor ETSU '16. Wake Divinity '19. Interests: Game of Thrones, The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz, and food. Big fan of food.