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Posts by Ashlee Johnson

Uprooting Bitterness

I recently spoke on Jonah at a women’s retreat.  I’ve taught the material before and have always stopped at the end of Jonah chapter...

If You Want to Be Great…

Saturday’s gloomy weather in the southeast provided an apt atmosphere for attending a memorial service.  My dear friend’s father had been battling lung cancer...

Rest From Vacation

My husband and I just returned from a getaway celebrating our 9th anniversary. It was glorious—we had extended, uninterrupted time alone for the first...

Our House Rules = A Family Creed


A few weeks ago I blogged about creating a FUN family culture. The value for an expectation of joy in our family came from...

Establishing a F-U-N Family Culture

​This summer we’ve been working through a “popsicle list” (a.k.a. a bucket list) with our kids.  We sat down with them and listed out...

He Causes Me to Rest

I hurt my back last Monday and I don’t even have a great story to tell about it.  The long and short of it...

Runners Aren’t Born, They’re Made

I’ve been running lately.  Not running like Jonah did (or at least I don’t think so).  I’ve been running about three miles at a...

Discipline: An Experience of the Father’s Heart

True story – I only recall my parents needing to spank me once as a child.  And then there was one time in second...

Sharing Space ≠ Sharing Life

Our family could not be more happy to welcome March and the advent of Spring.  Although we enjoyed fun in the snow for a...

Hope Around the Table

I’m a part of an amazing community group at my church – the Young Women’s Supper Club.  Our congregation meets in a high school,...