Post: Wanda Vision and Irresistible Force

One of our family’s new COVID pastimes has been watching “WandaVision” on Disney+ every Friday night. For the first time, our kids get to experience what it’s like to wait an entire week for the next episode. Our 12-year-old even has a name for it – “Family Fun Night,” which consists of driving to pick up food, then turning around to drive back home and eat it. The highlight is then sitting on the couch to watch the continuing saga of Wanda and Vision living out decades of popular sitcoms in the sleepy town of Westview, where no one comes in and no one goes out.

This week’s episode unpacked the aftermath of Wanda losing her brother, Pietro. Pietro was more than just a brother to Wanda, he was everything to her. Her husband Vision, whom she meets after her devasting loss, is able to sit with her in her pain and draw her out of the isolation of it. He defines grief to Wanda as “love that perseveres.” The writers of the show must have known a thing or two about love, for “Love always perseveres” (1 Corinthians 13:7)

Love perseveres through everything, even death. Love is like a river that when hitting a rock, eventually carves its way right through it. Losing a loved one is like crashing at high speed straight into solid rock. It is the paradox of Irresistible Force: “What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?”

Love is an unstoppable force. It is the force that created the universe, sustains it, and ultimately redeems it. The paradox of Irresistible Force is this – There is no immovable object…Love will find a way through. And it is finding its way to you. Wherever you are in life right now, whether the pandemic has taken everything from you – income, security, or even a loved one, God, who IS love (1 John 4:7), will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19)

Jesus, the Son of God was crucified, dead and buried out of love for you (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). His love moved a 2,700 lb. tombstone of solid rock to come back to life, so that you would never taste death. The risen Christ destroyed the last enemy, death itself, so that you could enter into life with Him, for eternity.

Wanda, Vision, and all the Avengers, couldn’t hope for a better hero or written a better ending!

GUEST POST: Jaya Sumanth

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Guest Writer

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