Some stories start at the beginning, others at the end. This one, it starts at both. In so many ways it was the end, it was also the start of something brand new. Since this is my story, I’m going to tell it my way. It’s truth, told in the best way I know how to show the true beauty of it all. However, even though it’s my story, I’m not the Author. You’ll get to know him too and I hope you’ll fall in love with Him, just like I have.
All I could hear was someone speaking over me, but that part was really important. It’s what told me I was still alive. I remember thinking… Is it over, is this it? I’m not ready to go yet. In almost the next second, a man started speaking. I don’t know what he said, I just remember the steady presence and the way his voice sounded. He was so sure, it made me sure too. Later I would realize, the steady presence was so much more than the man who spoke over me. I didn’t understand then, I just remember feeling reassured. I remember thinking, I’m going to be ok. I knew I was going to be ok long before I ever knew what was broken in me.
Broken, that’s what I was long before the accident that would save my life. No, that’s wrong, it wasn’t the accident that saved me. Accidents don’t have that kind of power. It was the presence that saved me. Accidents alone can’t save you, and people alone can’t save you. Nothing created can save a creation. But, what if there’s a Creator that can? What if He always sees you? What if His great love for you makes him chase after you, all the while you are unaware you are even being pursued?
I have to go back to the beginning of my life to explain why it had to end. To tell you all about the words that covered me, the spaces within me that longed to be filled. I have to tell you about Him, the one who pursued me to the ends of myself and into the beginnings of Him. It’s so important that you understand. It’s so important that I tell it right. I don’t want you to miss it, because I almost did.
This is a love story, that was once unrequited on my part. This is a story of hope, though it starts in a dark place. Don’t those make the best stories though? The ones where you can’t even imagine how it’s going to end well and yet… you end up seeing more beauty than you ever could have imagined. Not only that, the beauty is made more brilliant by the preceding darkness.