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Posts Tagged suffering

A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul

“Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel,...

You are the Peace in my Troubled Sea

Coming home without Leah was one of the saddest, loneliest experiences of my entire life. I had spent the previous two and a half...

A Beautiful Life

On Wednesday morning the 15th January 2014 one of our favourite doctors was on duty. He told us that Leah’s condition was deteriorating rapidly...

God is in Every Tomorrow

There’s been a slight improvement in her chest X-Ray.” Leah had been in ICU for two weeks and this was the first time that...

When Young People Die

Guest Post: Holly Paulette (@hchap220)

I remember running on a treadmill at the gym last year. I was hitting my groove a few miles in with...
