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Posts Tagged Parenting

The Universe Was Watching

You never know what you might find when you walk into Anna Rose’s room. There was the puppy parade, the spider’s web she made...

My Three Sibling Rules [Repost]

My kids are wonderful.

This week we celebrated Father’s Day and it gave me some mental space to reflect on one of God’s best gifts...

That One Time This Working Mom Signed Up For The PTO

When our son was beginning his first grade year I dared to approach the PTO line at Back To School night. It may...

A Portrait of a Faithful Redeemer

This is Part 2 of a four-part series entitled, “Good King Jesus: Teaching Kids to Pray Boldly.” You can read Part 1 of the...

5 Tips for Eating Out with Kids (and 5 Reasons It’s Still Gonna Be Hard)

Hubby and I are foodies. We like to eat out at lots of different restaurants, try new things, get ideas to use in...

My Childhood Home

A couple of weeks ago, my family and I traveled to my hometown for an end of summer visit with my parents. It...

The Beauty of the Balance of Parenting

This weekend, our pastor kicked off a series about the beauty of balance. He spoke of how Christ is balanced not by being mediocre, or...

A Letter to my Kindergartener

Well, Buddy, you’ve arrived. The day you said you had been waiting for your “whole life” came this week. You went to kindergarten. You...

20 Thoughts a Mom Might Have at 4:30am

I’ve been a mom for four and a half years. It’s been about that long since I’ve had a night’s sleep that was uninterrupted....

Childhood Unplugged

I bet you read the title to this post, and thought I was one of those no-technology, stick-to-the-outdoors sort of moms that somehow...
