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Posts Tagged Justice

Love in a Box

When I became a parent I was very keen that our children would understand that Christmas is for giving and not just for getting....

Encountering the Imaginable

Nestled deep in the rolling hills of northern Kentucky lays one of the greatest spectacles of twenty-first century Christianity.  Just an hour’s ride north...

The Pains and Problems of Our Nation

As I’ve scrolled through social media the past few days and witnessed the heartbreak and pain that is canvassing our country – I’ve felt a range of emotions.


Racism, Humility, and the Gospel

Full disclosure: I’m a white female who grew up in a privileged area of Charlotte, NC, attended high school with mostly white kids, and...

Family Mission Trip [with Pictures!]

The family went on a mission trip last week to the Dominican Republic, an outfit called Mission Emanuel. It’s been around twenty-five years, and...

When Hate Has a Name: Responding to the Orlando Tragedy

“…just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin,
and so death spread to all men because...

Baltimore and the Pink Chair

When riots broke out in Baltimore, I didn’t know. I wasn’t on my computer that day. I spent the day picking out paint for my...

Father, forgive him

I’ve been angry recently. I’m in the middle of some circumstances that feel unjust. And it’s easy to blame one person whose individual decisions...


When I was 16 I ran over my cat with my car. She was blind and deaf, and I was new to the whole...