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Release and Receive

You received without paying; give without pay.— Jesus, Matthew 10:8 ESV

I stood knee deep in a river beside a few Jews in what was...

Learning to Listen

Like many moms, I subscribe to those parenting emails that pop into my inbox every Monday – you know, the ones with subject lines...

8 Reasons I Might Be Getting Old

Y’all. I’m 30. I know that isn’t old, and I don’t really feel that old most of the time. I’m in pretty good...

Hitting Snooze

We all know that dreaded sound.  The shrill, electronic shrieking that demolishes our dreams and pulls us, unwillingly, from the blissful mires of sleepland. ...


My husband and I had an argument a few nights ago. Well, to be honest, it was more of a know the...

My Three Sibling Rules

My kids are wonderful.

This week we celebrated Father’s Day and it gave me some mental space to reflect on one of God’s best gifts...

An Open Letter to My One Year Old Son

Dear Asher,

By the time you’re old enough to read this you will probably be embarrassed that I wrote a sappy, father-to-son letter and posted...

It’s Been A Tough Year. And I’m Okay With That!

It’s been a tough year!

Do I keep saying that? Well, it has. I’ve felt lost. Confused. Even found myself on the side of the...

But Seriously, Lay Off Already.

I promise I’m not trying to push your buttons.

But I am trying to make you think.

Haven’t any parents out there ever...

What are you hiding?

I’m pretty much an open book. It’s easy for me to open up to people—to share the good and the bad in my life,...
