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Posts Tagged Calling

Hearing My Father’s Voice

This piece was originally posted in August, 2015; but will kick off Chris’ new series on this theme.

It was peace. Not the...

Hearing My Father’s Voice

This piece was originally posted in August, 2015; but will kick off Chris’ new series on this theme.

It was peace. Not the...

Coffee + Conversation = Blessing

I was sitting in Starbucks, skipping church. I got there eventually. I was on my way out actually when I saw my friend Nigel,...

Who Do I Think I Am?

I’m at a weird place in my life.  I know that’s pretty common for a person of 25 years.  Ascending into the world of...

Soccer Can’t Last Forever, So What’s Next?

As a professional athlete, do you know what question I’ve been asked a gazillion times more than any other question?

“What will you do after...

Why I Am a Protestant

University campuses have always been dangerous places. You never know where you might end up should you dare set foot on one. I doubt that...

Coffee and Decisions

I have a love/hate relationship with coffee.  I know, it’s weird for someone in my situation (grad school, young adult, ministry person, etc.) to...

How to Figure Out What God Wants You to Do – I’m Serious

It’s OK! I know the decision is HUGE! But God’s got it and He is HUGER!!! And I believe He wants to help you,...

Letters from a Pastor’s Wife: Introduction

Today is the beginning of a new series called “Letters from a Pastor’s Wife.” Who’s the pastor’s wife? Me. I don’t ever introduce myself...

You Were Made for What?

Never in history has there ever been a person just like you. After God completed his finishing touches, he threw out the mold....
