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Through the Fire

Through the Fire

In the book of Daniel chapter 3 a story is told. There are three jewish men who are living in exile in Babylon who have been placed by the king Nebuchadnezzar, over the affairs of the province. Their names were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (changed from Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah by Nebuchadnezzar). 

So this chapter opens and this king has made an image of gold. He instructs everyone that when music is played they are to bow down to this idol...

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Pandemic vs. a True Panacea

Pandemic vs. a True Panacea

Lately I’ve been bewildered by an inner conflict that seemed to have developed just about 4 weeks ago. It’s a state of mind that just cannot decide what is true anymore. The 24 hour news cannot seem to agree with itself as each day unfolds. You all know what I’m talking about.

~ I shouldn’t wear a mask because it does no good to reduce exposure to a viral monster. I should wear a mask, because if I don’t, I’ll put...

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Help for Loneliness

Help for Loneliness

Several years ago, I was given an assignment from my mentor at the time. It seemed simple. It was not. I did it anyway.

He told me to write down my feelings. Every day. In the morning, when I sat down to breakfast, he told me to open my journal and jot down the feeling I was feeling right then and there. He told me to do it for a month.

I did. It was harder than I thought, not the activity...

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It’s so easy to get disappointed to other people. And even easier to be disappointed in ourselves, especially when you realize, perhaps not for the first time, that you aren’t the person that you want to be.

I listened to a pastor recently who preached on our identity in Christ, pulling from the reminders Paul gave to the church in 1 Corinthians. This pastor noted that, even as social distancing makes us less and less ‘in the world,’ this COVID-19 season...

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Jesus Feels Your Feels

Jesus Feels Your Feels

It is among the most familiar stories in all of Jesus’ ministry.


“He wept.”

Shortest…and maybe among the most profound verses in the Bible.

His friend has died.

And, Jesus feels loss. Deep loss.

These are interesting times. Confusion, fear, loss, anxiety. Most days I wonder what more I could be doing and feel like I’m just not doing enough.

I have so much doubt about so many things.

Doubt about my health and the health of my family, doubt about my finances, the finances of my...

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He Knows, Hears & Sees

He Knows, Hears & Sees

I do not know what you need to hear right now. Maybe it’s soothing words of comfort such as, everything will be okay. It will be. God loves you. He is provider. He is perfect. He is a strong tower. >>> The gospel of John chapter 10, verses 28-30

Maybe it’s words of beckoning such as, run to your Strong Tower. Hide within His walls and under His wings. He will shelter you with peace, hope, and joy. >>>A Psalm of...

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