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It’s Only Two Hours

“Hey Joe, come visit this weekend!”

“Sorry I can’t man, too many things going on. Plus it’s a pretty long drive.”


It’s only two hours....

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Judgment, Discernment, and Social Media Bangwagons

I’ve got pretty good aim for a mature woman.  I can hit the bull of a dart board, rim a few shots in basketball,...

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I’m Going to Run Over Your Ipad with My Car

Sunday mornings can be tough for families. Many times, Saturday has been filled with fun activities which can include staying up late. When Sunday...

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There’s Only One Message

“Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ...

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A Prayer Worth Dying For

This is a guest post from contributor Eric Ballard

What are your prayers worth to you?

Really take a minute and consider your prayer life. Examine...

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Grace Doesn’t Make Sense (And That’s A Good Thing)

We’ve all heard the story of Zacchaeus and the sycamore tree. In fact, just the mention of his name is probably enough to bring...

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Who Says it’s a Waste of Time?

Recently I was engaged in a small-talk conversation with an acquaintance. We spoke of raising children, we talked about our hobbies, and generally getting-to-know-you...

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Last Chance U

Football season has begun. In today’s world, this means the season of talking about concussions, hearing about the horrors of domestic violence, your sports...

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We are surrounded by a culture that thirsts for success. In both ability and character, it strives to be the best in every ounce...

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Open Letter to College Freshmen

Dear New College Student,

You are about to embark on one of the craziest adventures of your life.  College will be a blast and it...

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