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How “It’s a Small World” Reminded Me Hymns Matter

This week we are taking our annual pilgrimage to Disney World (thanks to a very generous set of grandparents).

I love this place. Expensive, yes....

It Ain’t Easy Being Green

I could never tell the difference between envy and jealousy. I suppose I’ve experienced this nasty pair spawned by years of insecurity more than...

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Just Around the Corner: A Reflection on Discovering Forgotten Places

Having just moved to a new city about two months ago, I must admit that I am still quite dependent on my GPS. Any...

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Destination: Beautiful

There was a band called MAE who released an album called Destination: Beautiful many moons ago. I always think about it when embarking upon...

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Fighting White Supremacy with Narratives Not Our Own

The vast majority of white people wouldn’t identify as white supremacists. The vast majority of whites think white supremacy is ugly and unacceptable. It...

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Call Me Crazy

Call me crazy if you like, but one of the best things I’ve done over the past month was waking up at 5:45 am....

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Room for One

“While he was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said, ‘Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any...

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What Are You Afraid Of?

How would you finish this sentence? My greatest fear in life is ____________________ .

Fear is a normal emotion. Some fear is good because it...

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The Pressure of Perfection

There he was, just an up-and-coming Pharisee (the religious elite in Jesus’s time). He was advancing beyond his peers in knowledge and personal...

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Dating is not Marriage (Part One)

“…I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” – The Song of Solomon 8:4

To marry someone, is to become...

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