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Laughter – Just What the Doctor Ordered

I’ve walked through a fair amount of sadness lately—some sadness that was my own and much sadness stemming from the circumstances of others I...

A Stolen Watch and a Teachable Time

I stole a watch the other day.  My husband and I took the kids to a children’s apparel store in the mall to try...

Do You Think I’m Beautiful?

Most women tend toward one of two poles when it comes to handling their desire for beauty.  We either become beauty-obsessed or bury the...

Just Two Things

Amidst the chaos of our too-late, after-midnight bedtime routine and in an effort to finalize potty-training, my wife and I get our middle child,...


I married my sister last week. That sentence is funny, and can also be interpreted the wrong way. I should probably rephrase to, “ I...

5:00am Love

It is currently 5:15 AM on my husband’s day off (aka – a “sleeping in” day).  This is typically the day we let our...

A Deal With Dad

Each night at our house we have this ritual. Every night, my wife puts my daughter to bed, and Adam and I have what...

Matchmaker, Make Me a Match

An arranged marriage is potentially one of the scariest things I can imagine.  Someone else choosing a lover and life-long companion for me absolutely...

I Will Always Chase Him

There are two things that are sacred at my house: the Lord, Jesus Christ, and baseball.  My children will grow-up to know much of...

Working Hard from Far Away

I’m currently in a long distance relationship.  I know what you’re thinking, “Wow James, that must be really tough.” And you know what dedicated...