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I Got A New Gig

Some call it a job. So post surgery sure has had it’s ups and downs. But you know what they say? Tis’ life homie!...

Life Lessons from My Grandpa

This week one of the strongest, greatest men I’ve ever known entered into Heaven – my grandpa or as our family called him, “Papaw.”


Should I See It? Captain America: Civil War

Did I ever mention I love movies?  They are one of the most powerful means of communication.  Stories are king.  And movies with good...

The Healing Question

Psalm 16:8-11 (NIV)

I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is...

More Than We Know

Oh, all of the noise
Shut it out
Be still, child
We can learn what it is
That we lost
When we grew...

On Graduation

As we sit on the cusp of summer vacation for schools everywhere, across the country students are donning robes like Harry Potter characters and...

The Voice

Four judges and one nervous unseen contestant singing his or her heart out is how the highly acclaimed TV show, The Voice, begins....

Why We Fight About Money

I don’t like spending money on birthday presents. If you’re related to me, know that if you received a nice gift from me, it...

The Mommy Bloggers: Why Are They So Bad?

I read a disturbing article recently, bashing “mommy bloggers”. Somewhere along the way, we’ve labeled mothers who write, on blogs and/or elsewhere, with...

Does God Really Own it All?

I’ve heard people say they were put in a specific job or ministry because God needed to work on them the most. That is...
