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Heading north on Highway 21 near Elkin, you will pass what our family most affectionately calls “The Goldilocks Church.” There’s Baby Bear, a Teenie Bear, a...

Joseph, Did You Know?

Joseph, Did You Know?

Much has been made about the wise men coming to visit young Jesus. They have a Christmas carol devoted to their story (We Three Kings), an...

A Thrill of Hope

A Thrill of Hope

“A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn”

What a timeless carol! When in all of history...

This Christmas Gift

This Christmas Gift

It was the deepest silence I’ve ever experienced as I parked a few feet from my father’s grave. The calmness felt sacrosanct.The silence invited me in, and I...

The Trial of Barabbas

The Trial of Barabbas

If you missed it, click HERE, for a brief narrative podcast of the events of Jesus’ trial.

All of cosmic time points to Jesus’ last days. He...

What Happened in the Garden

What Happened in the Garden

Open on a well-worn, mountainside path. The day was warm, but an unseasonal chill now fills the air. Two adult friends obligatorily trail their...
