Post: Jesus is Bigger Than Christmas

I can’t really imagine the weight of the responsibility that Mary and Joseph felt as they held Jesus for the first time. In their hands, they held God in human form. A baby that would one day take away the sin from the world. A baby whose life would mean the end to death as we know it. A baby that would defeat mankind’s most ancient foe. A baby that would change the world forever.

Thousands of years have passed since Jesus was born as a baby in a manger, yet His impact has only increased since that day.

For some reason, however, it seems that we often forget just how big Jesus is.

It never fails that a certain percentage of Christians become threatened every year at the idea of Christ being taken out of Christmas. In fact, it was only just a few weeks ago when half the Christian world was up in arms at the new non-religious design of Starbucks’ holiday coffee cups.

How small is our view of God when we are being defensive about things such as the design of a private business’ coffee cups?

In my opinion I don’t believe that we should be worrying so much about Christ being taken out of Christmas, because I believe Christ is much bigger than Christmas.

In fact, I know He is bigger than Christmas.

I know this every time I walk into a church that has outlasted persecution and hardship for thousands of years.

I know this every time I see a marriage restored, an addiction broken and a person set free from lifeless religion.

I know this when I look at my own life and see where He has helped when I was helpless and loved me when I was unlovable.

I know this, because of soup kitchens… hospitals… and countless other charities that were all started in the name of Christ.

I know this when I hear a Martin Luther King Jr speech that was inspired by His life.

I know this when we recite the pledge of allegiance and repeat the line “One nation under God”.

I totally agree with celebrating Christmas and celebrating the birth of

Christ, but I don’t feel like we have to live as if our ability to celebrate it is being threatened.

Jesus doesn’t just own one day out of the year; He owns them all.

I know that Jesus is bigger than Christmas, because I know that Jesus is bigger than life itself.

Picture of Tyler Speegle

Tyler Speegle

Tyler is a husband, dad, serious coffee drinker, and inspirational blogger with a passion to help others see Jesus as He truly is – a personal and relational God. His writing has been featured in various publications such as the Huffington Post, The Blaze, and others. He lives in Charlotte, NC with his wife, Courtney, and son, Asher.

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