Get a tribe.
A home team.
A gaggle.
A band.
A gang.
Whatever you want to call it.
Get it.

Get people who you call on in the middle of the night when life is scary or tragedy happens. Get people who you call in the middle of the day to laugh and share and connect.

Get people who you learn with.
Who you fight for.
Who you encourage.
Who you laugh with.

Who you challenge to be the best versions of themselves, all the while holding them tightly as they walk their own path toward healing.

Get people who do the same for you.

Get people who say hard things when hard things are needed.
Who say wise things when wise things are needed.
Who listen when no advice is needed.
Who pray when there are no words at all.

Make time to be together.
Share a meal together.
Share the load.
Someone take the lead.
Someone send the first text or the first email or the first words.
“You want to read a book together?”
“You want to grab coffee?”
“You want to go to the park?”

It’s messy. People clash. We’re all busy. Personalities collide when you rub them close to one another. We are all hurting people on a journey.

The world and the church are teeming with people who go through the daily motions without any real connection.

Who wake up every morning and face the day alone.

Who face hardship alone.
Who face marital spats alone.
Who face the daily rat race of life alone.
Who face illness and heartsickness… alone.

Though we are more connected electronically than ever before, we are more disconnected to one another than ever before.

We were created to need and to be needed. We were created to need places to talk and need safe places to land and to connect in deep places.

If you’re longing for connection, reach out.  People meet their tribes in Panera through a “me too” with small babies. They meet in parks pushing swings. They meet in church. In neighborhoods. At school. At work. On soccer fields.

Find your people. And hold on tight.

Yes, you may get hurt.
Yes, you may get offended.
You may say the wrong thing.
BUT you may find your people.
You may find the ones who you didn’t know you needed.

We were not created to do life alone.
Get a tribe.

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

Picture of Tatum Fishel

Tatum Fishel