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Gas Station Blues Upgrade

Running late, as usual, I peered down at my gas gauge icon. Could I make it to my destination on, say, four tablespoons of petrol clinging to the bottom of my tank? Ok, I decided. I’ll stop at the nearest Kangaroo (yes, that’s a gas station for those who aren’t locals). Pulling in, I noticed an unusual amount of cars lined up waiting on the pumps (picture 1973 Oil Crisis…maybe not quite that bad). I scratched my head and waited. When it finally was my turn, I swiped my card, entered my zip code, and then pressed “regular”. Nothing…well, almost nothing. The dollars and cents numbers that typically fly by at the speed of light were now going  v e r y…v e r y…  s l o w l y…Questioning the patrons surrounding me, I found out that the “regular” underground tank was near empty, but the “premium” has lots of surplus. I was up to around sixty-two cents, when I finally got a clue, then switched over to premium. Glub, glub, glub…My tank was full though my wallet felt empty. But boy, did my little Soul enjoy the high grade!

It feels good to be filled with Premium.

I’m getting older. I have wasted far too much time, energy, and resources being filled with the cheap grade. What’s the cheap grade, you ask? For me it’s killing time worrying about things I have no control over. It’s being opinionated about topics, news stories, or events I have not witnessed with my own eyes. It’s watching far too many news reports and sensing fear rising up in my chest. It’s checking my device upon rising instead of rejoicing that my Daddy has given me a new day of life. It’s obsessing over the clothes I wear, the “bad hair”, the blemished skin,  the right cover-up, or the healthy food to eat instead of nourishing my soul with the same vigor.

I have asked my Father far too many times for “stones”, “snakes” and “scorpions” (Matt. 7; Luke 11) instead of precious Holy Spirit. I have not because I’ve asked not. Previously, I had run on fumes far too many times. I am learning to stop, fill up on the Best, and turn these wheels towards my destiny while avoiding the enemy ruts. When speaking of the “good gifts” God wants to lavish His children with, Jesus clearly taught His followers to ask for Holy Spirit. Why? Because He is what our seeking hearts are craving. He is the Bread, the Water, the Energy, the Power, the Joy …our very life breath! If you are sick, tired, empty, controlling, fearful, angry, or generally an emotional mess, come to the Filling station that never runs dry. And wait. Don’t drive away on sixty-two cents…Overflow with the Superior grade.

My little Kia Soul was gratified with the upgrade. So has my true soul. HE is so worth the waiting.

Lori Travers

Lori finds the Joy of the Lord to be her strength. Born and raised an Italian Jersey girl, she has finally settled in the south as Reynolda Presbyterian church became her new home. Ministry to women, reading, writing, cooking, and anything having to do with animals are her sweet spots. Having a background in cardiac testing, she chose to stay home and raise three incredible children who are now married, and currently has 2 precious granddaughters and one faithful husband of 34 years.

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