Once I took my family to the Georgia Aquarium, which had a glass tunnel we entered that actually enveloped us while mammoth sharks and fish circled around and above. We inched along on an escalator through what seemed like a hundred feet of water tunnel, eyes flitting in every direction as we tracked these amazing creatures, sonic melodies creating an emotive experience through surround sound. We were baptized in wonder (to tell the truth, I was so overwhelmed I actually shed a tear—one, small, manly tear). Shattering the moment, a worker came over the loud speaker and started giving every imaginable detail concerning the sharks—their feeding habits, habitat, patterns, etc. Honestly, in that moment, I did not care what the sharks ate, how large they grew, how long they had been upon the earth, or whether one was a male or a female shark. I only wanted to drink in the wonder of these amazing animals gliding overhead. In her honest attempt at doing her job of explaining the wildlife, she tamed the experience. Some things are best left experienced and not explained.
I’ve read what the Scriptures state about giving. I’ve even read the majority of the literature available to me on the topic, from early church mothers and fathers to today’s authors. Still, I cannot, and would not attempt to articulate what transpires in our family’s hearts as we enter God’s economy through giving. God’s economy is an economy of wonder where you’re as much willing participant as contributor. As you give, and joyfully so, your senses awaken to a reality that transcends articulation, your heart being dilated as you experience what it means that “it is better to give than to receive.” When was the last time you gave in such a way that you were overcome with gratitude for what you have, when your heart was warmed just a bit, when your gift actually awakened you to the beauty and blessings all around you? I’ll drop the mic and stop trying to explain what happens when we enter God’s economy through giving, however, I would humbly submit to you that you keep your heart, eyes and ears open as you enter this economy of wonder.
Learn more about Tommy’s work and his upcoming book at tommybrown.org!