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Posts for Money Category

Prototype Your Way to Financial Freedom

Judgment can be the enemy of creativity. Our culture obsesses over perfect performance, optimization, and getting it right the first time. We hate to swing and miss. We loathe waste. So, we judge our ideas to the point that we narrow it down to one great idea. Then, we try it and it sucks. We’re stuck. #fail

Stuck can be a good place if you use it to imagine lots of new ways forward. Instead of chasing that one great idea, the perfect plan, you decide to shrink the risk and the fear of...

Comparison Bankrupts Joy

“What about him?” Peter asked Jesus. “What is that to you?” Jesus responded (Jn. 21).

By nature, we’re scorekeepers, noting how others perform—income; title; vacation;...

Give God Your Purple Dinosaur

Our five-year-old gave me a purple dinosaur. I’m uncertain the occasion. He loved this dinosaur, so I responded, “Son, I can’t receive this...

The Gospel Message and Money

I have found in my time in this ministry that most pastors would like to separate themselves from anything that has to do with...

5 Easy to Read Money Books That Can Change Your Financial Future

Your financial IQ is not static. Sure, some people come into life a little more hardwired for number crunching than others. Then, there’s the...

Campaign Stories

A big part of my job is helping churches raise money to build or renovate, or to get rid of debt. While fundraising is...

To Combat Worry About Money, Do One Thing

I’ve never seen a deer with a lawn mower, however, I’ve seen deer trails worn by continual walking. They tell me that patterns of...

6 Arguments Against Online Giving

It’s 2016 but I still receive pushback in churches about offering electronic giving to their members. There are always reasons for the pushback and...

Does God Require Christians to Tithe?

The most frequent questions or comments I receive concerning Christian stewardship center on the topic of tithing. Will God curse Christians financially if...

Can You Afford Not to Give?

I recently read an article by someone I admire called, “Can Your People Afford to Give?” The article went in depth on how many...
