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Posts for It Happened One Christmas Category
O Come Let Us Adore…A Zygote? [Day 8]

O Come Let Us Adore…A Zygote? [Day 8]

The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in Luke 1 with good news: You’re gonna have a baby!  Don’t you want to share good news when you have it?

So did Mary.  Verse 39 says she left “with haste” to visit her relative Elizabeth.  Elizabeth was six months pregnant with John the Baptist, the forerunner whose job it was to announce the coming Messiah.  When she arrived, John—filled with the Holy Spirit from the womb—leaped for joy.  A womb-to-womb worship service broke out!  Was John an early Pentecostal?  You can ask him in heaven.

Where did Mary...

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A Time of Giving [Day 8]

A Time of Giving [Day 8]

Christmas is the first act of the greatest love story put on display. God gave the most precious gift to the people he loved,...

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Divine Invasion [Day 7]

Divine Invasion [Day 7]

When you think of the word invasion – what do you think of? I think of aliens. You probably don’t think of Jesus’ birth.


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The God-Man Cometh [Day 6]

The God-Man Cometh [Day 6]

If you can’t have a good time slow walking through Target with your family, you’re missing out. So many new gadgets to see, there’s...

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A Promise from an Angel [Day 5]

A Promise from an Angel [Day 5]

One of my favorite maximums concerning the Bible is that the people of the Bible didn’t know that they would be in the Bible. ...

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It Began with a Promise [Day 4]

It Began with a Promise [Day 4]

The Christmas story begins long before the arrival of shepherds and the wise men. It begins with a promise. A promise to Jesus’ parents...

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The Mundane of Christmas [Day 3]

The Mundane of Christmas [Day 3]

Who’s the smartest guy to ever live? Lewis. CS Lewis. He feeds me on a number of levels. I love him on apologetics! In...

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Advent Snuck Up On Me! [Day 1]

Advent Snuck Up On Me! [Day 1]

It was an honor to be asked to be the first one to write for the EVERYDAY EXILES CHRISTMAS PROJECT. It was not the...

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The Power of Anticipation [Day 2]

The Power of Anticipation [Day 2]

The nausea. The cravings. The restless, sleepless, uncomfortable, great-with-child nights.

Pregnancy, this blessing/curse can be described in many ways, subject to the woman who is...

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