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Posts for Christian Life Category

I Am Overweight

I am overweight. I have been my entire adult life. You’ve heard of the freshman 15? I gained the freshman 27. And I never lost it.

Over the years, I have placed more and more value on my mind and less and less value on my body. I have divided myself up into categories, overvaluing my thoughts and undervaluing my muscles.

As the years have passed, it’s been harder and harder to change my habits. Motivation is in short supply when you’re overweight and out of shape. It takes courage to get outside and walk or...

Hear it Differently

Have you ever listened to a song you’ve heard a thousand times before (you know the ones: they’re on the radio, friends hum...

Step Outside and Get Some Air

John Wooden once said, “sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want...

And To Dust You Shall Return

Let me preface this post by saying I grew up Southern Baptist. We were more about Easter egg hunts and sunrise services than Lent...

Fearless…or Maybe Not

I don’t scare very easily.  At least I don’t like to think so.  Although, I have to admit I don’t watch scary movies because...

Dear Christians: We Aren’t Called To Be Critics

After writing my last article about “celebrity pastors” I quickly realized how diverse our views are within the Christian faith. The premise of my...

Thanks Jesus

I meet with a group of guys every Tuesday morning at Panera. We call ourselves the GOYBADS. GOYBADS stands for Get Off Your Butt...

Community Takes Margin

Winter storm Jonas cleared our full calendar over the last few days.  And I think Forced Sabbath is just the best.  We enjoyed a...

Rushing to Ignore the Quiet

Near the end of January, we are in the midst of the downhill coast coming off of the busiest and most hectic time of...

the cost of following jesus.

if you are new to this site. i am too. i wrote a little last year but felt so scared and stuck that...
