Sporting this comfy hoodie a friend gifted me some years ago with the embolden words “Just Do It”, caused me to rethink my position as a child of God.
When I ponder my natural bent, words like “hesitation” and “intimidating” and “unable” come to mind. I’m not the biggest risk taker, leaning more toward the safe and familiar than stepping into the great unknown. And in this current climate of hazy security, I’m ok with the directive to stay inside and avoid the chaos. I’d be fairly content to curl up with a book and live a fantasy while those “out there” figure out the global next steps.
But what exactly is my purpose as a child of God during such a time as this, during a disruptive global pandemic?
Queen Esther was in quite the precarious position, being queen during a time when an edict came from the king,
instigated by the evil one, Haman, to annihilate all the Jewish people—her people. Her uncle, Mordacai, encouraged her to do something about it, that she was built for “such a time as this” as she was one of the few who had the means to actually do something! So, as the story goes, she surrendered herself to the better good, determined to help her people, gathering her support system with prayer and fasting, and sealing her decision with the decisive words, “If I perish, I perish.”
And here we are…2020, the year of perception and vision. It’s no accident that we’re here for such a time as this. But what exactly is it we are here for? Certainly it’s not to freeze in fear. We are loved and we have a destiny that can be worked out in miraculous ways, bringing a great light to those who are living in darkness.
God is showing me a variety of ways to communicate His love and hope to those around me during this time (and at all other times, too). Connecting with neighbors as my husband and I walk more often than we ever have has generated life-giving conversations with those we otherwise might not have had time for. Reaching out with phone calls, texts, hand-written notes of encouragement and truth create much needed lifelines. Having compassion for those in pain and listening to their stories—to their hearts—deepens our connections with our fellow human beings. We are praying more intensely, offering more hope, and kicking to the curb the gnawing non-essential annoyances we typically fuss about. There’s no room in our souls for such nonsense now as these things sap our mental energy of much needed rest and renewal.
I love how Esther draws out her courage as she finds the presence of mind to advocate for her threatened people…she even dresses up for the occasion! She enters into the chambers of her king respectfully yet boldly, knowing that at any moment he could send her out, never to be seen by him again. Extending his golden scepter to her, she finds favor in his eyes, which emboldens her all the more to carry out what she has determined.
Being a child of the Ultimate King, I never have to worry if I’m accepted in His presence. His scepter is forever extended to me. And my King guides my steps, dresses me in full armor, and prepares the way for duty. Yet, at other times, he calls me to rest upon His chest and listen to the sound of His heart beating for His children, as He simply asks me to be still and to center myself in His love.
As we’re asked to quarantine, what then, can we do? What should we do? Maybe it would go well for us to rediscover (discover?) our Spirit-bestowed gifts and use them to the max. Maybe the best thing can do is develop a sensitivity to Holy Spirit, as He empowers us to be exactly who He created us to be and invites us to live into our destiny here and now. But whatever we do…whether offering words of encouragement, praying healing over the sick, making meals for the financially strapped, spearheading community group Zoom meetings, teaching your children, or solely resting and praying, or a million other ways to exercise those gifts…may it be done in the spirit of Love.
But wherever you’re led, please, just do it.