Never in history has there ever been a person just like you. After God completed his finishing touches, he threw out the mold. It’s true. No one will ever see the world like you do. No one will hear it like you either. For better or worse, each one of us will put our own unique fingerprints on this life. Your life. No one can live it for you. Others might try to look like you, act like you and be like you but no one can replace the original. Like a Picasso, you are one of a kind, made by the master himself.
Think about it: God, the Master Artist, made you on purpose. There is a reason you are the way you are, and there is also a reason why you are here. Wouldn’t it be great to know what those reasons are? Well, what if I told you it was possible!
What do you think would happen if you knew, right now, the reason God placed you on this earth? Would it change the way you live? Would it affect the decisions you make? Would it inform the paths you choose to take? You bet it would.
That’s what this book is about. You and I are going to find out what we¹re made for. To accomplish this, we are going to go straight to the source, to the Designer himself. That¹s how you find true intentions, right? If you want to know what Stonehenge was made for, ask the Druids. If you want to know what Harry Potter is about, ask J.K. Rowling. And if you want to know your purpose, ask Jesus.
Why Jesus? Because he made you. Scripture says, “For by [Jesus] all things were created: things in heaven and earth, visible and invisibleall things were created by him and for him.” You see that? By him and for him. In a sense, it is that simple. We were made for Jesus. And just like any good creator, Jesus made you so that you would live.
“I have come,” said Jesus, “so that they may have life, and have it to the full.” In other words, Jesus came so you could become the person he created you to be. To put it another way, Jesus is, as Hebrews describes him, “the author and perfecter of our faith.” Just like the author J.K. Rowling created Harry Potter, Jesus created you. And like Rowling had a higher purpose for Harry, Jesus has a higher purpose for you. The difference is Harry exists only in our imaginations you live FOR REAL.
That’s Jesus’ purpose for you to live for real, to be your true self.
To read more, keep on the look out for Ned’s new book “You Were Made For What?” coming out this fall.