Post: Write Your Heart Out

This week, I spent time with Leighton Ford in his Charlotte home. Leighton, now well into his eighties, married Billy Graham’s youngest sister, Jean. He traveled the globe with Billy and others as an evangelist, but we didn’t talk about Billy—at all. I didn’t even think about Billy the whole time I was with him. Leighton is his own man. Well, I should clarify; he’s God’s man.

Leighton’s carefree demeanor settled me into his parlor chair; his home’s airiness and spaciousness welcomed me and cleared my thoughts. We talked about many things, but one thing stuck with me as we discoursed about his writing career. In a passing thought, he said, “I write whatever is on my heart. Sometimes I write for my own healing, but I never write for a market. I write because my heart has something to say.”

Good writing may find an audience, but that’s not why we write. We write because our heart has something to say, and often we don’t know what that is until pen hits paper, until fingers grace keyboards. That’s where we begin, with something our heart longs to communicate. We only know what that is when we take time to listen to our lives. To that end, I’ll recommend Leighton’s book titled The Attentive Life. This week, take time to write every day down. Write less than you should, but write more often. Your life is worth paying attention to.

Picture of Tommy Brown

Tommy Brown

Tommy Brown is a writer, speaker, and develops strategies that support financial development. He and his wife Elizabeth live in Winston-Salem, NC along with their children Seri and Seth. He served in leadership at two churches as an ordained minister from 2001-2014, leading congregations into financial wellbeing and a holistic approach to integrating faith and finances. Tommy has a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry and Masters degrees in Divinity and Management. His entrepreneurial endeavors over the years have extended into real estate development and church consulting on stewardship matters.
Now, Thomas works alongside an award-winning team of storytellers at Wake Forest University, performing strategic planning and project development for initiatives that fund the university¹s $1,000,000,000 capital campaign. Thomas was instrumental in forming Wake Forest University's financial wellbeing initiative. He has a heart for seeing churches, students, and people of faith form connections between faith and finances.

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