What are the truest things about you? I recently spoke about them to some friends of mine. The truth is I needed to hear them, too. My guess is the same is true for you. So here they are, the truest things:
You are loved unconditionally.
You have immeasurable worth.
You possess unlimited potential.
Yes you are.
Yes you do.
The thing is by the time you are born into this world that feels like chaos those three truest things are called into question.
I call them the fundamental uncertainties. These are:
Am I loved?
What is my worth?
Do I have what it takes?
We grow up in environments and go through experiences that begin to answer those questions for us. These formative moments or “critical scenes” build into us these narratives we tell ourselves to help explain what we see in the world.
I am loveable if someone wants me.
If no one notices me, I must not matter.
My worth is my status, or the amount of my paycheck.
If I don’t win, I’m a loser.
If I’m not perfect, I am a failure.
I am not smart enough, good looking enough, funny enough…
I am not enough.
The list goes on and on.
We begin to see the world through these filters. They shade new experiences and reinforce those things of which we are already convinced. The filter “helps” us interpret the world. They produce behaviors that develop into habits that create deep channels of belief.
The channels run so deep they seem like they are true.
And yet…
They are not the truest things about you.
The truest thing is what the Creator says about you. He made you. He knows you. He knows you more and better than you or any one else.
He says this:
You are loved.
For God so loved… John 3:16
Greater love as no man than this… John 15:13
For God demonstrates his love for us in this while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
I have loved you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3
You are worthy.
Jesus calls you a pearl of great price…a treasure hidden in a field…Matthew 13:44-50
He gives you the right to be called children of God. John 1:12
That’s right – you are a member of the royal family!
You have what it takes.
You are more than a conqueror…Romans 8:31
You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength…Philippians 4:13
Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing. He will do even greater works than these…John 14:12
E. Stanley Jones said this: “You are what you believe, and you believe what you are.”
What if you chose to believe what God says about you instead of what the world, or others, or you say?
What if you made a declaration today?
That’s what I did over the weekend.
Honestly, I need to declare it again this morning.
The deep channels are deep.
But they aren’t the truest things about me.
The truest things, the truth is:
I am loved unconditionally.
I have immeasurable worth.
I possess unlimited potential.
And they’re true about you, too.