The nausea. The cravings. The restless, sleepless, uncomfortable, great-with-child nights.
Pregnancy, this blessing/curse can be described in many ways, subject to the woman who is experiencing this life-altering, God-given phenomenon. But one expression I’m sure that every pregnant female can agree upon is that of anticipation.
Quiet in the warmth of the womb, she feels only first trimester hormonal effects. Then strange stirrings, like butterfly-wing flutters…then marvelous kicks, the thrum of another heartbeat, and rhythmic hiccups…all waking up a realization of life that’s about to emerge.
Clocks advancing, we prepare for the great delivery. Squishy, cuddly, colorful playthings are carefully placed in the unoccupied nursery, along with FDA approved furniture. Parties are planned, gifts are bestowed, and blessings are spoken over mother and child.
Now we’re ready. The unspeakable experience of an emergent life will soon be realized. The water will break, the contractions will begin, incomprehensible pain will overtake, the child will emerge, then, like a magical spell, amnesia will overtake the pain and joy will replace the fear.
Mary had a long, lowly journey while pregnant with the Most High. I wonder what she felt. Did she have cravings? Nausea? How in the world did she sleep? Did she replay the message of the angel over and over again in her mind? Scripture gives us no such details, but I am sure of one thing. She anticipated the birth of her child like no-one ever before. Words from the angel ruminating in her mind, “…He will be called the Son of the Most High…He will reign in the house of Jacob forever and His kingdom will have no end.”
This expectancy surely must have brought her to her knees.
“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” (Romans 8:22)
Take heart, friend. Let your current pain propel you to the hope that lies ahead. Let Christmastime remind you of Christ’s first arrival as we live in joyful expectancy of His ultimate return.