Post: Tell You Something

Have you ever had the experience where the same Bible passage keeps showing up in your life? You are reading in your devotional, then you show up at Bible study, then you arrive at church, then you run into a friend and they’re all talking about the same thing. Well, that’s what is happening to me this week.

And I’m still not sure what God is saying to me.

What’s the passage?

It’s John 11. The one about Lazarus coming out of the grave. It’s the passage where Jesus says that he is the resurrection and the life.

It’s a passage I’ve come back to more than once.

I even wrote about it in a book of mine. (The Reason: Why You’re Here – buy it today insert smiley face).

I wrote: “Resurrection means to bring something dead back to life. So in order for something to be resurrected, there is something that must first happen to it. You get it? It has to die. In order for Jesus to resurrect Lazarus, Lazarus had to be dead. The same was true for what God let happen to His son. And the same is true for you. Jesus came to resurrect you, which means that first you have to die! Now, stay with me because this is deep. Sometimes Jesus is going to allow things in your life to die – important things, things that matter, things like dreams, hopes, and relationships. Jesus is going to let things die in your life in order to give you back something even greater. This has happened to me more than once. My wife is a constant reminder. You see, if Jesus hadn’t put to death some of my past relationships I would never have the gift that Lia is to me. You might have some resurrection stories from your own life as well.

If not, you will.

Because Jesus is in the resurrection business.”

I like that. I like that I wrote that.

But this morning, I’m feeling a lot like Martha and Mary with prayers unanswered and some dead things that look like they intend to stay that way.

What about that? What are you supposed to do with that?

I’m not entirely sure.


I guess there is one thing that I’ve noticed this time around that is helping me.

It’s this: Jesus really does know what’s going to happen. If you read the beginning of the chapter, it’s pretty clear that before Martha and Mary even pray the prayers, Jesus and his Father have already talked about it. Jesus has already received his answer.

Martha and Mary and Lazarus just don’t know it yet.

And that is where I’m feeling the hope this morning.

That before I even prayed the prayer – Jesus and his Father have been discussing it. They’ve been working it out.

I just don’t know what they’ve concluded. But I do know from past experience that whatever it is they decide, it’s going to be good. It’s going to be resurrection good.

Picture of Ned Erickson

Ned Erickson

Ned is the Founder and Executive Director of the Winston-Salem Fellows, a non-profit dedicated to equipping people to live seamless lives as they grow into the men and women they were created to be. He is the author of four books, including the critically acclaimed novel Clay. He, his wife, two children, dogs, rabbit, guinea pig, turtle, and chickens live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.