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Posts Tagged Parenting

How do you think it looks?

The other night, while the kids were taking their bath, I decided to give J’s and EK’s hair a little trim, mostly to...

The Next G-entrepreneurs

When my daughter was in kindergarten, I took her to school one morning and she shared an idea with me: “Dad, I want...

Bad Words

“Daddy, want to know all the bad words I know?” asked my six-year-old son David.

We were driving home from school just the two of...

Letters from a Pastor’s Wife: My Son’s Hero

This is the third post in the “Letter’s from a Pastor’s Wife” series. The first is HERE and the next is HERE.

A highlight of...

Free Range Parenting

In her room at the prow of the house
Where light breaks, and the windows are tossed with linden,
My daughter is writing...

REVIEW: #Being13

Earlier this week, CNN aired a special entitled #Being13 where they followed over 200 13 year olds on social media for two years.

Here’s a...

Discipline: An Experience of the Father’s Heart

True story – I only recall my parents needing to spank me once as a child.  And then there was one time in second...

Why I Love a Snow Day

I missed the weather forecast last week. Went to bed all normal like – woke up with snow and no school. The littles at...

Little Nos Make Way For the Big Yes

Saying YES to marriage always requires one to say several NOs. In order to marry my husband, I said “no” to every other man...

Just Two Things

Amidst the chaos of our too-late, after-midnight bedtime routine and in an effort to finalize potty-training, my wife and I get our middle child,...