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Posts Tagged Culture

Can you love 2 people at once? Bachelorette Style.

It’s baaaaaa-aaaaack!  The Bachelorette premiers this Monday night and with it the hopes and dreams of many people to find that special someone.  And...

The Work of Art

My mother is an artist. She paints, acrylic on canvas, at least four days a week in a studio space she rents from the...

I Got A New Gig

Some call it a job. So post surgery sure has had it’s ups and downs. But you know what they say? Tis’ life homie!...

On Graduation

As we sit on the cusp of summer vacation for schools everywhere, across the country students are donning robes like Harry Potter characters and...

The Voice

Four judges and one nervous unseen contestant singing his or her heart out is how the highly acclaimed TV show, The Voice, begins....

Black Church / White Church

Being born and bred in urban New Jersey I lived among a diversity of ethnic groups. I was profoundly aware of my Italian...

Following Jesus To the Polls

Who are you voting for? Oh, am I not supposed to ask that? Wait, you did know that we’re in the midst of one...

Pink Eye

So two days after I returned from Harry Potter World, I woke up to my eyes glued shut! I think I remember something like...

Don’t watch movies like a baby

I sometimes watch movies like a baby, just taking everything in and not thinking about it one bit.  I love movies but am not...

Social Media Sick

Do you ever wish we could go back to a simpler time?

I’m talking like horses instead of cars. I do. Sometimes I wish we...
