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Posts Tagged Culture

5 Things Parents Do On Vacation Without Their Kids

Life with kids is awesome, but it’s different- no one will argue that. So on our two special days without them, here are a...
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Our Election and God’s Sovereignty

Observing the 2016 presidential election gave my limited brain capacity a much clearer understanding of where we are as a nation. But more...

The Beauty of the Incarnation

As we move into the Christmas season, churches and families will begin to focus on the incarnation – God with Us, Emmanuel.

At the center...

Holiday Get Togethers: Five Tips for a Good Time with Your Family

The holidays can be a time of love, laughter, and making memories. They can also be a time of too much travel, high...

The Case for Starting Christmas Celebrations Early

As a musician, I’ve been early to the Christmas spirit every single year of my life. I’m usually practicing in October for this...

Jesus is Still King

I love, love, love N.T. Wright. He is one of my favorite scholars and teachers about Jesus. If you don’t know Wright’s work, start...

Seven Chesterton Quotes on Politics That Will Sound Familiar

 “The Declaration of Independence dogmatically bases all rights on the fact that God created all men equal; and it is right; for if they...


As I walk the five blocks to the bus stop, I pass the glorious red maple tree on the right. And then the poplar,...

What I Learned from Watching the Olympics…in Person! [Part 2]

I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.” —...

The Dreaded “L” Word

One slow Saturday morning not so very long ago, I was snuggling with my daughter in her bed. And from my vantage point two...
