Post: Step Outside and Get Some Air

John Wooden once said, “sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and what you want to be.” When I read this while I was getting swole (gigantically big) in the weight room something inside screamed amen. It resonated deep within. So deeply that I tweeted it right away(HA)!

We all need to “get away” to “find” ourselves from time to time.

There’s so much noise and crap going on around us and it’s easy to lose our way. You feel me? Where do you go when you need to get away? When the world feels like it’s closing in on you, when you feel like you’re about to explode, when everything sucks and you just want to call it quits, when nothing seems to be working, or when you just need a breather, where do you go? Maybe you’re a hunter and you recharge in the woods. Maybe you go to the gym and lift weights to blow off steam. Maybe it’s your bed. Maybe you knit as a de-stresser.

Is it your closet? Oh come on. You know you saw “War Room” and went home and cleaned out your closet. I was planning to, but never got around to it (definitely check this movie out. It’s legit good).

Steam rooms and saunas (which I’ll refer to as sweat rooms from here on out) are places I go when I need to “get away.”

One of my most favorite things in the world to do is to sit in the sauna or steam room until I’m on the verge of passing out. Is that weird? Maybe a little, but it’s true. And in case you haven’t figured this out yet, we’re all weird, just in our own way. So don’t you dare judge me. I don’t even pretend to be “normal” anymore. I embrace my weirdness, and so should you. After all, God made us just the way we are.

Back to sweat rooms. I love sweat rooms! They’re great for your health. They help rid your body from lots of the toxins and junk that ain’t supposed to be in there. That sounded super scientific didn’t it? I also love to sweat, so I’m sure that has something to do with it. But the main reason I love sweat rooms is because God speaks to me in there. I have revelations in there. Like for real. I haven’t audibly heard His voice…yet…but what He puts in my heart and on my mind is so real and clear He might as well be speaking out loud to me.

I know it’s hard to imagine, but I’m easily distracted. My iphone, tv, GoPro, you name it, take up way too much of my time. Sometimes I get so distracted by technology that I just want to smash my phone with a baseball bat or blow it up with my .308 (my super sweet rifle). Sweat rooms help me escape these distractions. Most of the time. They’re not always quiet. I’ve met lots of cool folks there. I’ve shared Jesus a lot there. And had Jesus shared with me there. But that’s not my point.

My point is, God’s still speaking to us.

All the time. In more ways than we understand. I think we just don’t recognize His voice often enough. And sometimes we need to get away from all the distractions so that we can hear His still small voice (1 Kings 19:12).

I encourage you this week to “step outside and get some air.”

Get away from the distractions that sap your energy, that can confuse you and divert you from your real purpose. Jesus is alive. He reigns. And He wants to hear from you and tell you stuff. Oh yea!

Bottom line: Jesus just wants to have a relationship with you.

Visit Wells’ blog to connect with him!

Picture of Wells Thompson

Wells Thompson

Wells is a North Carolinian goofball living for the glory of Jesus! He has been married for 3 years to Daphne, the love of his life that he has known since Pre-K (no joke). Wells is overjoyed by the indescribable blessing of his newborn son Declan Wyett Thompson, and in awe of the extravagant love, grace, and mercy of Jesus! Wells strives to use his platform as a professional soccer player to love Jesus and others!

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