God is deeply invested in your protection.

Many of us attempt various ways to cope with fear and anxiety—some sing, play guitar, or even skateboard. But the truth is, the peace Jesus offers is not something we can achieve through effort; it is something we receive.

The reality is that danger, fear, and anxiety surround us, and Psalm 91 provides a powerful promise of peace even in the midst of those dangers.

Psalm 91 assures us that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will abide in His shadow. God is our refuge and fortress. He will protect us from traps, diseases, and disasters.

The imagery of God covering us with His wings reminds us of a protective bird shielding its young from harm. This is echoed in passages like Ruth 2:12, Psalm 36:7, and Psalm 57:1, where God’s wings are a place of refuge. The promise is clear: If we trust God, we are never truly in danger.

At first glance, Psalm 91 might seem to suggest that no harm will ever come to those who trust God. However, life’s reality shows that even the faithful face trials. This raises important questions:

Is suffering a result of a lack of faith? Many believe that trusting God should prevent suffering, as if faith acts as a shield against all forms of pain or hardship. However, the story of Job challenges this simplistic notion. Job, described as “blameless and upright” and someone who “feared God and shunned evil” (Job 1:1), endured immense suffering—not because of a lack of faith but because of his faithfulness. His friends, assuming suffering is always tied to sin or failure, accused him of wrongdoing and urged him to repent. Yet God rebuked their flawed theology, affirming Job’s integrity and correcting the misconception that suffering is always the result of personal shortcomings. This story highlights that suffering is often part of a larger spiritual context, one that may test, refine, or reveal faith rather than negate it. Trusting God doesn’t exempt us from suffering; instead, it equips us to endure it, knowing that God is sovereign and compassionate even in the midst of our trials.

What is Satan’s ultimate plan? In Luke 4, during Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, Satan demonstrated how effectively he can misuse Scripture to deceive. Quoting Psalm 91:11-12, Satan tried to manipulate Jesus into testing God’s protection, suggesting that if He were truly the Son of God, He should expect a life free of harm or danger. This is a tactic Satan continues to use today: twisting God’s promises to make us believe that genuine faith guarantees a life without suffering. When hardships come, he whispers lies of doubt, causing us to question God’s goodness or our own faith. However, Jesus’ response to Satan—rooted in God’s Word and truth—reminds us to guard against such deceptions. Faith in God does not promise a trouble-free life; rather, it offers the assurance of His presence, strength, and ultimate victory over the trials we face. Recognizing Satan’s schemes helps us stand firm, clinging to God’s unchanging promises while rejecting the distorted expectations that lead to discouragement.

Looking at the life of Joseph, we see that suffering can have a greater purpose. Though betrayed, enslaved, and imprisoned, Joseph ultimately realized God’s greater plan in Genesis 50:20: “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” Similarly, Romans 8:28 affirms that all things work together for the good of those who love God.

Jesus Himself taught in Luke 21:16-19 that we may face persecution and hardship, yet our true selves, our souls, will be preserved. Trusting in material things is fleeting, but trusting in God offers eternal security.

God promises that those who hold fast to Him in love will be delivered. He assures us of His presence in trouble and guarantees our ultimate rescue and salvation. Jesus echoed this sentiment in Matthew 23:37, longing to gather His people under His protective wings.

Ultimately, Jesus demonstrated the greatest act of protection by sacrificing Himself for us. In Matthew 26:52-54, He reminds us that He could have called down angels to protect Him, but He chose to fulfill God’s plan of salvation.

The devil cannot harm us unless we allow him to deceive us. His power lies in convincing us to doubt God’s protection. But when we trust in God’s promises, we are safe and secure under the wings of Jesus. Psalm 91 offers a profound assurance of God’s protection, but it does not mean life will be free of suffering. Rather, it invites us to trust in God’s presence and ultimate plan, knowing that our souls are eternally secure in Him. As we face life’s uncertainties, we can find peace by dwelling in the shelter of the Most High and resting in His promises.

Picture of Chris Lawson

Chris Lawson

Founder of MyBigJesus.com, husband to Merri, father to Adam, Ellie, and Zachary, and executive pastor @reynoldachurch. Lives to make Jesus famous. He enjoys watching the Atlanta Braves and UNC basketball, as well as demeaning and insulting whatever sports teams you root for. He knows a disturbing amount about television and movies.

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