I hate how long it took me to hear about George Floyd and his murder.
The world was in mourning and uproar and I was just going on like it was any other day.
I avoid the news like the plague. It’s never good and it breaks my heart.
That is not right. To avoid something just because it hurts. The Bible says to mourn with those who are mourning (Paul’s letter to the church in Rome, chapter 12, verse 15). Well how can we if we don’t know they are mourning or what they are mourning over? Jesus definitely did not avoid us because it hurt. He took on all of the pain and hurt and died a brutal death on our behalf, for love (The word of the LORD spoken through Isaiah, chapter 53).
It feels better to go through life news free, however, Jesus did not die so that I could feel good. He died because His Father so LOVES every man, woman, and child on this earth. Each and every one are created in His image. (The gospel from John’s perspective, chapter 3, verse 16).
I need to start loving them too.
I need to love them by not shying away from their hurt, pain and mourning and follow in the footsteps of my Father.
It is time to get uncomfortable. To listen, watch and read things that make our stomachs drop out of our bodies, our eyes fill with tears and our hands ball into fists.
It is time to get uncomfortable. To act alongside those who are standing up, speaking out, and working towards making a difference.
It is time to get uncomfortable. To take loving our neighbor so seriously that we stand with them, act with them, listen to them, grieve with them.
I want to listen, because I do not know what I am talking about.
I want to listen, because I do not know how it feels.
I want to listen, because I want to hear their voices, beautiful and strong, rising over the injustice.
And then I want to DO. If we are hearers of God’s word only and not doers, we deceive ourselves. (the letter from James, chapter 1, verses 19-27).
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (The gospel from Mark’s perspective, chapter 12, verses 30-31).