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The Healing Question: Part 2

Recently my husband was speaking to somebody whose wife had a cancer diagnosis and asked him how his wife was doing.

This man replied that...

Zacchaeus’ Financial Decision

Remember the story of Zacchaeus? Of course you do, and you remember the song that goes with it too.

Our church has been going through...


Last Saturday, the family and some friends went to Stone Mountain State Park (North Carolina not Georgia). It is a beautiful place with trails...

Sharp Knives and Leaky Tents: Lessons from Camping

Spurred on by my cub scout’s requirement to camp before his next pack meeting, we loaded our family up and headed to a state...

The Work of Art

My mother is an artist. She paints, acrylic on canvas, at least four days a week in a studio space she rents from the...

Name Your Financial Fear

I love returning to the Garden of Eden narrative because it depicts humanity’s most essential dreams and fears in a simple, poetic manner....

What We Are Given

Lately I have been reading as many blogs as possible about parenting autistic children.  It makes me smile to learn about other kids’ quirky...

You Just Need to Get Away

Sometimes, you need a vacation. 

Most of the time, you can’t have one. 

And sometimes, things fall into place quite nicely, and you get...

Fear and a Swinging Bridge

Reading the classic Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard years ago, to my dismay, I related a little too closely to...

Being Late to the Race

I’m late, kind of a lot.  Like, perpetually late.  I’m late the way other people are early.  You might could even call it dependably...
