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Respect is the Heart of Stewardship*

RESPECT – June 11, 2016. I had these words inscribed onto the backs of two medals, one for my son and one for his cousin. I...

What to do with all this summerTIME?!

School is out and mamas everywhere are super excited for more time with their kids and simultaneously overwhelmed at the thought of filling the...

When Hate Has a Name: Responding to the Orlando Tragedy

“…just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin,
and so death spread to all men because...

7 Things I Only Get Halfway Through

Parents are busy. I’m always splitting my time between things that need to get done, and spending time with my kids. For instance,...

Jesus Dream

I stood outside of a high-steepled church sensing my need to go inside. Opening the broad, wooden door I viewed the familiar granite...

When Thunder Passes Over

When I was younger I was absolutely and totally petrified by thunderstorms.  I imagined thunderstorms to be one of the worst possible things that...

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

There are many uncertainties that professional athletes have to face. For one, you never know how long you will be with the team you...

Can you love 2 people at once? Bachelorette Style.

It’s baaaaaa-aaaaack!  The Bachelorette premiers this Monday night and with it the hopes and dreams of many people to find that special someone.  And...

Life Lessons Learned When Your Heart Is Heavy

The older I get the harder life seems. Life, with all of its living, has given me a bounty of goodness. In terms...

Feeling All the Feels

Sometimes I feel like I do everything. I’ve fed them, bathed them, clothed them, entertained them, and put them to bed. I’ve done all the...
