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Posts for Faith Category

Not Just a Moment

Lately, I have struggled.  I am not sure why my soul is so unsettled.  I wonder if I am having a mid-life crisis or if I am simply spending too much time pondering things that would be better left alone.

A few days ago, a friend told me that she was contemplating returning to school to be a physician’s assistant.  As we discussed her options, she said, “You should come to PA school too!  You would be a great PA.”  For a moment, I paused. I thought about the possibility – I could leave my...

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Naked You Come… and Naked You Go

The year was 2001. The phone rang. I was the only one in the office so I answered. A low, gruff voice on the...

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I have this thing for feelings. I care for them, I cultivate them, and I hold them close to my heart. I categorize them,...

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My wife and I recently went on a “trip of a lifetime” anniversary adventure to the Loire Valley in France. We had been squirreling...

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Life at a Crossroads: Embracing Change and Uncertainty

Change is hard. As humans we like things to be consistent and predictable. We like to have a sense of control and autonomy in...

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Kudzu and Other Strangleholds

Why do some days feel so incredibly oppressive? Why is it that you can be sailing along, feeling somewhat energetic and hopeful, accomplishing you...

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Ephesians 3:13-20 Part 2: The Source of Strength

This is Part 2 of a four part series on Ephesians 3:13-20. To read part one, go here.

In the first installment of this four-part...

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Ephesians 3:13-20 Part 1: The Call is Worth the Cost

This is part one of a series on Ephesians 3:13-20

Extraordinary miracles marked Paul’s time in Ephesus (Acts 19). The Gospel went out and many...

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You’re Going Home

Apparently, I now live in Central Florida. This misplaced humidity in North Carolina is making it difficult to breathe! It got me thinking, my...

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Did You Hear That?

Have you ever really listened to the sound of your voice? I mean consciously listened the way you pronounce words and the sounds that...

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