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Posts for Christian Life Category

Do You Think I’m Beautiful?

Most women tend toward one of two poles when it comes to handling their desire for beauty.  We either become beauty-obsessed or bury the desire under an “I-don’t-care-about-externals” façade.  At one extreme, all the products, the clothes, the accessories, the fitness classes, the highlights, the toned body, and the pursuit of the wrinkle-less face can consume our lives (or at least our thought lives).  At the other extreme, we may give up on beauty either in reaction to an inability to live up to the culture’s preposterous standards or because perhaps we’ve been told...

I Will Always Chase Him

There are two things that are sacred at my house: the Lord, Jesus Christ, and baseball.  My children will grow-up to know much of...

Working Hard from Far Away

I’m currently in a long distance relationship.  I know what you’re thinking, “Wow James, that must be really tough.” And you know what dedicated...

Just Show Up

My dad always told me when I was growing up, “If you just show up and pay attention, you’ll be way ahead of your...

Status Quo

In-tinc-tion:  “the action of dipping the bread in the wine at a Eucharist so that a communicant receives both together.” As my second year of...

Your Jesus is Too Small

It’s a hidden little story in the midst of the grand narrative of royal David. The one destined to occupy the throne is running...


I always wonder what people think the first time they hear my voice. “Wow, I didn’t expect you to be that nasally.” “Hmm, surprisingly gentle, yet...

How to Wash Stinky Feet

John 13 contains one of the Gospel’s most poignant interactions between Jesus and his disciples.  Here we see Jesus taking on the most lowly,...