Post: Bedtime Confession

One of the songs I sing to my son at bedtime is “Black Honey” by Thrice. I’ve listed the lyrics below, along with the conversation that ensued. He is V, and I am B. If you think the words I’m using with him are too big for a 3 year old, that’s ok, we can disagree on that.

I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees, cause I want honey on my table

I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees,
I can’t understand why they’re stinging me
But I’ll do what I want, I’ll do what I please,
I’ll do it again till I got what I need

V – Why does he want honey on his table?
B – It’s a metaphor for wanting everything for yourself. It talks about greed and envy.
V – I want other people(s) things
B – Well that’s because you’re selfish and don’t understand how important it is to care for others more than yourself
V – is God say not to want other people’s things?
B – Yes exactly, God teaches us that things don’t fulfill us.
V – I’m gonna take God and throw him in the trash.
B – I guess that just means you’re still a sinner and need to experience Jesus’ sacrifice and grace.
V – Maybe…

The honesty children exhibit is quite admirable. As adults, we might not ever admit that we’re basically throwing God in the trash, but we certainly act like it at times. We have our list of things that we need (read want) and we present that list to God. “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” said Jesus in John 10. Having that intimacy with Christ is the only thing that will actually fulfill us.

God has placed two little boys in my life to witness to and disciple. It’s most challenging, but I’m praying that it will be my privilege to see them pursue Christ on their own one day. As this Christmas season is upon us, I’m working hard to keep the focus of my family on Jesus. It’s easy and fun to get involved in the shopping, baking, decorating, light watching, etc. Enjoy those things with your family, even make traditions out of them, but maintain the focus on Jesus. That’s where true joy lies. Merry Christmas!

Picture of Ardi Shahini

Ardi Shahini

Ardi is a son of Jesus, husband to Tiffany, and a father to Vincent and Victor. Has been serving as an elder for the past 8 years at Aletheia Norfolk Church in Norfolk, VA. He enjoys Italian soccer, fighting the establishment, and being proven wrong by wiser people.