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Posts by Joe Danehower


The beginning of a new year is a strange time. Everyone wakes from weeks of timeless revelry to throw themselves headlong into new initiatives...

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I struggle with depression. It’s taken me a few years, but finally acknowledging this beast makes moments of gnawing loneliness far easier to bear....

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This past summer a friend and I flew to Colorado for a weekend hiking trip. 48 hours and a few unmentionable mishaps later, we...

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Undoing Aloneness

Today I worked remote, Ubered to pick up food I ordered on Grubhub, and Facetimed several friends who live less than a few...

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No Perfect Villian

If you’re not on Twitter, you’re missing out on instant news, lightning wit, and a thin veil between rock-star celebrity and the average joe....

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It’s Only Two Hours

“Hey Joe, come visit this weekend!”

“Sorry I can’t man, too many things going on. Plus it’s a pretty long drive.”


It’s only two hours....

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On Knowing

In western culture, what we know is a means by which we value ourselves and others. We equate intellectual understanding and its expression as...

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I was a high school athlete.

I was a student at Virginia Tech.

I was in a long term dating relationship.

I was never...

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The Pursuit

“I’m pursuing her,” says the skinny-jeans wearing Christian male when speaking of a girl whose photo he just liked on instagram. If you’re unfamiliar...

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