Esther Followwill-Johnson

Author Posts

Christian Life

In the Trenches

I always say if you’re going to write, write from the trenches. Whatever tranches you’re in, whatever battle you are

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Saying Less

“When there is an abundance of words, transgression is never far away. But the wise restrain their lips.”  Proverbs 10:19

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Dear Hard Workers

“Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.” (Ecc. 9:10)  No matter what your job or

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Christian Life

You Might Be a Liar

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Nice to meet you! I lie a lot.” NO. There isn’t a single person

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Givers and Withholders

We’ve all seen commercials that start with something like this… Do you suffer from chronic pain?  Do you lack energy

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