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Posts by Chris Lawson

5 Ways to Encourage Those You Lead

I have the great privilege of working with an amazing team. A team that fights for one another instead of against one another. A...

My Three Sibling Rules

My kids are wonderful.

This week we celebrated Father’s Day and it gave me some mental space to reflect on one of God’s best gifts...

When Hate Has a Name: Responding to the Orlando Tragedy

“…just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin,
and so death spread to all men because...

Good King Jesus: Teaching Kids to Pray Boldly

Note: This is Part 1 in a four-part series of posts on teaching our children to pray boldly and confidently by seeing Jesus as...

I Will Take the Cup

The events of Matthew 26 serve as the penultimate moment in the life of Jesus. The climax happens on a tree the next day....

Spurgeon on Christmas

I say, then, to you who would know the only true peace and lasting joy, come ye to the babe of Bethlehem, in after...

Some Thoughts on Thanksgiving

“We tend to take all the gifts and pleasures and happiness and the joy without saying much to God.  We take our health and...

Risen Indeed

It’s more than a holiday. It’s more than bunnies and delicious candy. It’s even more than worship on a crisp, early Sunday morning with...

Why I Love a Snow Day

I missed the weather forecast last week. Went to bed all normal like – woke up with snow and no school. The littles at...

Why Resolutions Fail

I once read this great illustration in Reader’s Digest: My friend Kimberly announced that she had made a New Year’s resolution to start a diet...