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Posts by Tommy Brown

Money and the Moral Balance

Doing good with some our money may have an unexpected effect: we feel like we’ve checked the God-box and can do what we want with...

Prototype Your Way to Financial Freedom

Judgment can be the enemy of creativity. Our culture obsesses over perfect performance, optimization, and getting it right the first time. We hate...

Comparison Bankrupts Joy

“What about him?” Peter asked Jesus. “What is that to you?” Jesus responded (Jn. 21).

By nature, we’re scorekeepers, noting how others perform—income; title; vacation;...

Give God Your Purple Dinosaur

Our five-year-old gave me a purple dinosaur. I’m uncertain the occasion. He loved this dinosaur, so I responded, “Son, I can’t receive this...

5 Easy to Read Money Books That Can Change Your Financial Future

Your financial IQ is not static. Sure, some people come into life a little more hardwired for number crunching than others. Then, there’s the...

To Combat Worry About Money, Do One Thing

I’ve never seen a deer with a lawn mower, however, I’ve seen deer trails worn by continual walking. They tell me that patterns of...

Does God Require Christians to Tithe?

The most frequent questions or comments I receive concerning Christian stewardship center on the topic of tithing. Will God curse Christians financially if...

Release and Receive

You received without paying; give without pay.— Jesus, Matthew 10:8 ESV

I stood knee deep in a river beside a few Jews in what was...

Respect is the Heart of Stewardship*

RESPECT – June 11, 2016. I had these words inscribed onto the backs of two medals, one for my son and one for his cousin. I...

Name Your Financial Fear

I love returning to the Garden of Eden narrative because it depicts humanity’s most essential dreams and fears in a simple, poetic manner....
