Post: 3 Reasons We Should Stop Hiding Our Mess

Recently we were having some company over to our home and Courtney and I began a frenzied effort to clean things up and make things look a little neater around the house. It wasn’t like the house was a complete mess – we just didn’t want someone else to see our lack of organization and a few things out of place.

I’m sure we aren’t the only people who do this, however. It’s part of the natural human condition to want to appear better than we actually are.  And it doesn’t stop with just the mess in our homes. We want to hide the messes elsewhere in our life. We want to show people our highlight reel, not our behind the scenes.

As tempting as it may be to sweep our mess under the rug – here are a few reasons why we shouldn’t

  1. Your Mess Can Help Others

Sometimes in life, the things we most desperately want to hide from the world are exactly what the world needs to see. People are drawn to humble honesty and the admission of weakness. In my own life, I can say that I have learned the most from people who admitted their human condition and weakness.

I am much more inspired by someone’s honesty in their weakness, than their pride in their strength.  The person who chooses to admit these things becomes a person that can be trusted and learned from.

It takes a lot of courage to admit the sin and the brokenness of your past, but by doing so you could be saving others from experiencing the same pain you endured.

Some of the best financial teachers were once bankrupt and greedy.

Some of the best marriage counselors were once on the brink of divorce.

Some of the best pastors were once unbelieving party animals.

Before you decide to file away your mess think about what your mess might be able to teach others.

  1. True Friends Don’t Want You To Hide Your Mess

One of our fears involving our mess is that if our friends saw our true mess then they wouldn’t accept us. We develop a fear of being real and authentic. The truth is, however, we were made to relate to one another through weakness – not strength.

CS Lewis says it perfectly – “Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .”” (from his book 4 Loves)

If you want to enjoy true, heartfelt friendship – try being honest, open and real. Share your mess. You might be surprised at what all you have in common.

  1. God Doesn’t Want You To Hide Your Mess

One of the places we try commonly to hide our mess is in our relationship with God. We falsely believe that for God to accept us that we must hide away our mess and our sin. We feel that we have to earn our acceptance with God.

Nothing could be farther from the truth though. Romans 5:8 explains that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.

He isn’t a far-off, distant God awaiting our mistakes. He is an up-close and personal God. He doesn’t want you to hide your mess. He wants to pursue you in your mess! 

“Count yourself lucky— God holds nothing against you and you’re holding nothing back from him. When I kept it all inside, my bones turned to powder, my words became daylong groans. The pressure never let up; all the juices of my life dried up. Then I let it all out, I said, “I’ll make a clean breast of my failures to God.”

Suddenly the pressure was gone — my guilt dissolved, my sin disappeared.” Psalm 32:2-5

Picture of Tyler Speegle

Tyler Speegle

Tyler is a husband, dad, serious coffee drinker, and inspirational blogger with a passion to help others see Jesus as He truly is – a personal and relational God. His writing has been featured in various publications such as the Huffington Post, The Blaze, and others. He lives in Charlotte, NC with his wife, Courtney, and son, Asher.

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