Today is Monday, November 02, 2020, one day before what is considered to be the most important election our nation has ever experienced. Polling results are ever changing and it’s anyone’s guess regarding outcomes. The presidential seat might be named in the not-so-near future if ballots are disputed. There are senate seats up for grabs and gubernatorial races that will be determined. There will be advancing of some and humbling of others. And as I clack on the keyboard about these crucial decisions, I realize quickly that the results will be had [hopefully] by the time this blog is published.
And even in this moment, our God is already there.
If you’re a citizen of the United States you know how emotional this time can be. After all, we still have the freedoms in place that our forbearers fought to obtain to be able to express our political convictions (or pretty much anything else we desire to ramp up or to tear down). I sincerely doubt the majority of us will be neutral concerning this election. Some of us will be praying and possibly fasting, some will bite our nails down to the cuticle while hyper focusing on a variety of news outlets, while some will need a Xanax. But all of us will be affected in a variety of ways.
And yet, the results are already in the bag. I have no doubt that our omniscient God, who draws us to His throne of grace before the election where we find peace and rest, will also draw us to His throne of grace after said election, no matter what the outturn is. This is no easy feat for those of us who tend to immerse ourselves in causes we feel strongly about. But my point is not that we should take a nonchalant attitude towards the things that God has fired a passion in our hearts about, but that after we have acted upon the direction His Holy Spirit leads us into, that we can rest in His ultimate and perfect will in the end.
So, what will that look like for believers in Jesus? The same way it looks at any other time in our journey, whether a taxing time or a thriving time. And how are we to treat those who have opposed or even laughed at our convictions? The same way we are commanded to repeatedly in scripture.
This is how Jesus put it: But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27)
And to the Body of Christ, the apostle Paul puts it this way: Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. (Colossians 3:12-13)
I’m sure we’re all in agreement that the law of Love supersedes any need to prove that an argument for our candidate is the RIGHT one, that he or she is the only capable one, or that our choice is the one God Himself would choose. But whether we “win” or whether we “lose”, we must let go of the need to have all our ducks in a row. Human government is flawed (can I get an “amen”?) So, no matter who is in or who is out, we run through this course of life like fine sand slipping through the hourglass and when we think deeply and soberly, we realize that God truly does set up one kingdom and take down another at His sovereign will. Before I arrived on the scene and after I’m gone, he will continue to do so. Stamping my feet and screaming at the sky (or at others) does little good to change what He has in mind. But because He is a relational God…our daddy…He invites us into His process. And sometimes that process includes voting, but it always includes praying and trusting.
As I recall, we go through this exercise just about every four years (well, three years, if you count the talking heads paving the way, way ahead of time!). When it’s all said and done, we’ll do it all over again. And one fine day, it will be all said as the WORD will have the final say (He always does). And all will be done, as the Lord wraps this thing up with power and majesty, placing the government upon His capable shoulders.
My vote is cast upon Jesus. I believe it’s quite a sure win.