This dog is excited about waiting during Advent.
We are about midway through Advent.
Advent = coming.
Advent = expectant waiting.
Advent is the season of anticipating the coming of the birth of Jesus and His second coming back. And it is the season of waiting.
Jesus waited. We don’t hear a lot about his childhood or early adulthood, do we? We hear about him as a baby. Then when he’s a “pre-teen” in the Temple when Mary and Joseph leave Him behind. Parents, have you ever done that? And then we jump to age 30ish. When He begins His public life and public ministry.
What happened during Jesus’ teen and early adult years?
What are you waiting for? Sometimes waiting seems really tough. I have been waiting to get married for a while. Sometimes I wait patiently, sometimes impatiently. Sometimes at peace, and sometimes panicked out of my mind and with an overwhelming sense of dread.

Jesus waited. He was faithful. Most scholars believe Joseph passed away sometime soon after the temple “losing your kid” incident. According to Jewish law, if the father died, the eldest son would be bound to stay around and provide for the family until he was 30 years old. Then he was free. This also might be why Jesus on the cross told John “this is your mother now” (about Mary). That would have been an odd thing if Joseph was still alive.
What are you waiting for? Maybe it has seemed like a long time. Maybe you’ve almost given up hope. Jesus can relate. He understands. When do you think Jesus realized He was the Son of God? 9 years old? 12? 18? Earlier? And then He faithfully worked and took care of His family. All the while knowing He was the Messiah, the Chosen One, the Savior of the World. Now that’s waiting.
When I think of waiting I also think of Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1), their journey with barrenness, Z’s encounter with Gabriel, news of John the Baptist going to be born to them, and his silence for 9 months. How did they wait? When barrenness was considered a curse. When most people thought that this was God’s punishment. What were they thinking? How were they feeling? How did they keep their faith?
Have you taken some time to reflect and wait this Advent? Why not tomorrow morning? Maybe sit with Jesus and ask Him what He is saying to you. Don’t have your phone within arm’s reach. One of my friends says he “interviews his heart”. What is it wanting the most? What am I believing to be true? What am I waiting for?
Waiting. For God to break in and break through. He will. But usually not in the way that we think. But He will.