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Posts Tagged motherhood

To the Dad at the Mexican Restaurant

My family and a few friends were out at our favorite local Mexican restaurant. We decided to sit outside, what with the cool weather...

5 Reasons 3 Under 4 Is Awesome and Terrifying

Having small children is amazing. It’s amazing if you think endless piles of laundry and cabinets being emptied out onto the floor is...

Don’t Forget the Sweet Moments

Have you ever had one of those moments where your heart is so full that you think it might explode? One of those...

I Said Yes

As the mom to young kids, I say no a lot. I say no to everything from throwing food on the floor and...

Clumsy Girls Need Grace

Hubby and I always talk about things we hope get passed down to our kids, and things we hope skip right over them....

Taking My Kids Out of the Box

In this culture, it’s difficult to raise a child. There are lists of rights and wrongs you must attend to (and choose between,...

It’s Hard Being a Baby

My sweet little baby, you make me wish I was the baby. 

Seriously, though! You can lie around most of the day. You are fed...

Let the Little Children Come…to Worship

I have my doubts. Some days more than others. When a well-meaning person leaned over after worship to ask if my children had recently...

Like I Have Known Him Forever

Have you ever had a person in your life that you just met, but you already feel like you’ve known each other forever? Right when...

Completely Normal Chaos

When I was in fourth grade, I first heard the phrase “completely normal chaos”. I think it was the title of a book...
